Okay, so today marks the day where it's time for "operation healthy". Although this has been a journey traveled many times before, today feels different. After the past 3 years of stress and weight battle, I am ready to say adios to junk food and laziness.
Today is a good day!
My hope is by posting a blog about it, although only 2.5 people read my blog (I count Ryan as a .5 because it's kind of his duty as a husband), anyhoo..my hope is by posting it I'll be accountable.
What's my plan you say?
Eat healthy and exercise....good ol' fashion fix all for those extra pounds I don't want hitching a ride anymore!
Although I have always, always struggled with weight...and when I wasn't struggling with my weight, I was struggling with healthy eating or lack of eating. It's been about 3 years since my parents divorced and I think that's what has really triggered the past 3 years of eating too much and exercising too little. My parents trigger a stressor in me that I cannot control (or couldn't feel in control in the past) and this has led to very unhealthy habits in my life. I am hoping to let this go...and that, I hope, will be the difference this time around! Of course I think I will need to deal with those feelings at some point, as I don't always feel I have a good, healthy relationship with my parents. But for now, I have my family to focus on, and they deserve a healthy wife and mom.
So there it is.... a little peek into my Monday. And an introduction to a new lifestyle. Wish me luck! I will NEED it!
Yeah for putting yourself first! I am so excited to get back to working out after this baby arrives. If you need any motivation call me!