Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 1 - Check!

Okay, well day one was a success.

I actually felt pretty good all day long...no big cravings. I do know that I need to have my week of meals planned out better. When I don't have something planned, that's when I make horrible decisions.

Not planning = Not good. End of story.

Today was not bad though. I had cottage cheese with a peach for breakfast, grapes for a snack, and chicken breast for lunch. Once I got home I was starving and had a pita with salsa dip (low cal) and for supper I had a Smart Ones Rice & Beans with a low fat tortilla and a banana. Since I was still under I treated myself to 2 tiny squares of dark chocolate. Not bad, but not perfect...I know I need to put more thought into my whole day of eating.

So my goal this week is to begin meal planning for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I work full time, and over half of that time is spend on the road or working with child care providers in their homes...so planning is key to me not stopping at McD's or Taco Bell. When I leave the house in the morning, I need to have breakfast, lunch, and snacks with me or I'm doomed! Also, I need to be able to get home and throw together supper and not be tempted to just order pizza or make something quick (and unhealthy!) These are the things that I need to learn about myself and work on!

Another of my struggles is others food....for example, this morning I came to work and someone was microwaving a bacon, egg, and cheese croissant sandwich..., now this is something I would not choose to eat normally, but not that I know I wouldn't choose to include that in my diet it makes me want it more....bacon smells delicious. Just saying.

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