I've been a little lazy in the blogging department lately! It has been go, go, go in the Shaw household! Ryan was off last week (and only last week)...he got called back again on Monday. They are hoping to get another couple weeks in and then have January off, and start up in February again....BOO! I guess it's payback for his long break last year (Oct - May!!). Don't get me wrong, we are so thankful for the construction work! However, when your hubby's away all week long, week after week...you look forward to this time...we prepare for it all summer long...we have our money saved, our vacation planned, we're READY!! However, his job doesn't agree...they've got their minds set on a late/ early season, which means a shorter break! It just goes to show that we are NOT in control! We plan, we prepare...and tada...we are still waiting! Oh well, it is what it is...and we are very thankful for his job, and for them to respect Ryan how they do! He deserves it...he's one heck of a good worker....at work anyways...I kid!
Well, not that I got that rant over with, we've been busy preparing for the holidays, and our vacation coming up very quick! Less than a month actually!! Wowzer!
Brooke had her Christmas program. There were 4 classes of tiny little kindergartners that were led in by their teachers, they all sat in there spots on the bleachers (I suppose they sat so they didn't fall off the bleachers, if you know kindergartners...they don't sit still well!), each class had their own song they got to perform. The music teacher is Ryan's sisters sister-in-law (get that?), so we were excited to see her work as well as Brooke! Brooklyn's class was the last to sing...she marched up there (front row), lined up in front of the microphone, she had no expression at all on her face, knowing Brooke, I thought for sure she was going to just stand there...frozen. The audience was huge! I thought she was going to get a case of stage fright. The music started...she stood still, but as soon as that singing started she was unstoppable! She was so enthusiastic with her singing and her actions...so much so that she almost took out the little boy next to her with her arm actions several times. Ryan and I were in tears from laughing, and pride!
See her? She's the one looking right at us! |
This is how it started out...no expression at all.... |
Then this happened! |
And then this... |
And this... |
She was adorable! She brought tears to my eyes (first, cuz she was awesome...second, cuz I was laughing so hard!). After the program we got to visit her classroom and have a treat.
Mmmm, cookies for breakfast! |
chattin' with daddy! |
Okay, so enough concert talk. Sunday we had our christmas party for Ryan's side... It was fun to get to see some you don't get to see much...including Ryan's sisters who we don't see all that often anymore! It's also nice to see Ryan's grandma and grandpa! And of course the girls love to play with their cousins!
Presents!! |
Is that a confused look or not? Gotta love grandpa! |
Cousins, cousins, and more cousins! |
It was a good party! We still have a few Christmas parties left...the girls ask everyday if they can open a present....just one...please....pretty please....mooommmm, but please!? At least they take my "no" answer a little better because I can use Ryan as an excuse..."your dad wants to watch you open your presents too...it wouldn't be fair to him". It seems to work...however I still have to say it everyday (apparently they forget). I'm excited this year to have Christmas just with our family. I'm excited to get me some Ryan time! I sure do miss him, and so do the girls! I think he might just miss us too!
I am so thankful for how our life together has turned out! We have a happy, healthy family...two very smart and adorable (of course I am biased) girls...good jobs...and all of our needs are met. We are very blessed! I hope that you all can see everything that you have been blessed with. I'm a naturally negative person...but it's so much better to try to see the good in everything. I think that is going to be my resolution this year! If I'm not on here before saturday I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas!!