Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"thankful thanksgiving week"

me: what are you thankful for brooke?
brooke: i dunno
me: you dunno? your not thankful for anything?
brooke: uh, no, i'm thankful for a lots of stuff.
me: oh like what?
brooke: i dunno
me: how bout mommy?
brooke: uh, no, just a lots of stuff
me: oh! okay then! well mommy's thankful for you!
brooke: me too.

oh kids! i tell ya! top my list of thankfullness every year!! they make ya smile, laugh, cry...they make you happy and frustrated....yet they are the love of my life!!

i'm so thankful for my beautiful, healthy, wonderful family! i'm so thankful that they put up with me when i have my minor melt-downs lately! (which are getting better by the way...maybe a little retail therapy on friday will help huh?) i'm thankful that i have a God that loves me and my family...and protects us and i'm thankful that i can live in a country to raise my children to serve Him. i'm so thankful that we live in a place where we can be free and have the rights we do, where we don't have to fear leaders as other countries do...i am thankful to be an american and thankful for those who serve and protect us! i'm thankful that ryan and i both are able to have great jobs and great benefits...of course i would love to be a stay at home mom but know in my heart that we can not afford that! therefore i am thankful to have great jobs that allow us to have resources to do great family things together! i am thankful to own a house, it may not be new, or huge, or beatiful...or clean all the time....but it's ours, and it's home! i'm also thankful to have such great family and friends! it really is a great life! it's so easy to get caught up in the negativity...but i'm trying look at everything with the mindset of will it still be there next week? will i care about this next week? if not...let it go!! that's my new motto! life's way too short... and my kids are way too precious to waste time being negative. it's hard to do when you come from a life raised in negativity...but i'm trying to move past! i've got a ton to be thankful for!!

what are you thankful for?? i really think next year with the girls i want to start a "give thanks" jar. i want to get a cutsey glass jar and little note cards and then the girls, ryan, and i will take each day to write something we are thankful for...and then on thanksgiving we can go through them...i think it's just a cute little way to bring some more meaning to the holiday time!

i don't know about you but i can't wait for thanksgiving! yummo - turkey!! one more day of work (big thanks!!). in minnesota we are supposed to get some nasty weather the next 2 days....bring it on i guess huh!? we're minnesotans! we're tough!

happy thanksgiving week!!


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