Thursday, December 2, 2010


I'm finding that kids can make up ANY excuse of why they should not go to bed...

 *too hot
 *too cold
 *hafta pee
 *I'm thirsty (which usually leads to another "hafta pee")
 *I miss Dad! (ya, you'd think this one would be cute...but they totally use it as an excuse)
 *Hannah hit me
 *Brooklyn hit me
 *and the list goes on....

Our girls have their own rooms, but choose to sleep together....Awwww sweet, right? Not when they've been up there for two hours and you can still hear them giggling!

Oh, and then as soon as I go into bed, they sneak downstairs and try to sleep on the couch! If it wasn't for the afore mentioned giggling...they might get away with it most nights...

My hope for them is that they will grow up to be close. Of course I want to be the mom/friend-they-can-go-to-with-anything....but I hope they establish a great friendship between the two of them. For's about 50/50 - love/hate....still a toss-up!


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