Thursday, December 9, 2010

She's crazy!

After reading a couple blogs where people posted some silly crazy things they do..I thought I'd let you in on some of my weird OCD things I do....

  • I weigh myself daily (not healthy, I know). I tried not to weigh myself one morning, by hopping in the shower (cuz in my head my hair has to soak up a few lbs of no WAY I would weigh myself wet)...however I couldn't make myself get all the way in the shower before getting back out and weighing myself anyways.
  • I always have my scale set back 2 lbs, I'm not dumb, I know it, but when I look at the scale it looks better that way.
  • I can only eat M&M's and Skittles (YUMMO!) 2 at a time, and they can't be the same color, if I get stuck with 2 at the end the same color by accident...I won't eat them.
  • I won't drink the last quarter of anything in a can or a bottle...I believe it's mostly backwash.
  • I pick at my the point that I get bald spots in them sometimes (I also will pick any bump on my body until it bleeds, not a good mix when you live in MN where our state bird is the mosquito!
  • I still don't step on cracks on sidewalks...just in case it will in fact break my mothers back ( I take no chances)
  • I hate cotton with a the point I get physically ill if someone puts a cotton ball or q-tip near their mouths (good thing I've never had to be tested for strep!), I also have a very hard time wearing sweaters...I get that teeth grinding sensation.
  • I put chips on my sandwiches (6 doritos to be exact).
  • I'm obsessed with hand washing, especially in public places...I make all of us use hand sanitizer like it's going outta style!
  • I don't wear red...ever, I think it clashes with my hair.
  • I will only carry a coach purse...I found this obsession a few years ago, and cannot bring myself to get any other's my one splurge...and I refuse to give it up.
  • I make noises to myself when driving...a lot. Car noises usually, duh. Like vroom if I'm speeding up...or ert if I'm stopping.
  • I have to put lotion on constantly...probably to counteract the obsessive hand washing.
  • I can justify anything in my head...anything at matter what, in my head weird things make sense (however sometimes when I speak them...not so much)
Okay, there's a few! I know...born and raised crazy. I'm okay with it. I'm better than I was. I used to have to say things to get a certain response...if I didn't get the response I was looking for, I'd ask again until I got it. I also used to count things, and they had to be even...if not, the world apparently would implode. So see...some of the crazy has gone away...although I still check the alarm at least 4 times at night. When I say my prayers, I have to say Amen...twice. And I check all the doors, cars and house and office.

Aaah, it feels good to get that out there! I know I'm crazy! I don't bother me!


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