Thursday, May 5, 2011


Hello, my name is Erinn and I am a procrastinator. I also have horrible time management skills, horrible grammar, and perhaps a little OCD mixed with ADD....

I look at my blog everyday and think of blogging...then I get side tracked, or put it off until later and later turns into tomorrow, or I plain-old just don't have time! Is there a class for said problems listed above? Maybe a little weekly workshop?


Okay. I'll work on that then.

I have managed to keep up on my running. I haven't missed a day. I'm on week 6. I ran 20 minutes straight yesterday and just about keeled over. I know, I know...I read about all the peeps that run 20 miles...blah, blah! I only hope to be like that someday, but I could barely run 1 minute 20 is HUGE! Ryan has even joined the running train now. We are officially jr runners. Someday we will run miles together.

So back to the noted "diseases" listed in the first paragraph. Do you ever have so much to do but are so frustrated by the fact that you can't make it just perfect therefore you don't want to do it? That's how I feel with projects I want to complete around the house lately. I look at all these cute ideas around the "blog-land" for organizational projects or cutsie projects...however I get to the point that if I can't do it "just so" so then I don't want to start. Or I'll start it and get annoyed with the way it's turning out so I therefore cannot finish it. Do you think there's a magic pill for perfectionism problems? Just kidding, no pills...drink perhaps?

Okay, just writing that paragraph out gave me a bit of anxiety. I think I need to get over it though...because there's a ton of cute things I want to do out there! For to bed. I so sleepy!



Okay. I'm off to bed now.


  1. So are you saying that you'll run a marathon with me someday?! 20 minutes is awesome - way to go Erinn!!

    I too have been lazy when it comes to blogging lately, I just can't seem to find enough hours in the day!

  2. Thanks Kier! I'm tryin'!! And I hear you on just seems as though there is soooo much to do lately!!
