Best news is that Ryan and I only almost killed eachother one time...which is bound to happen when you have a 100 yr old crooked house and you are trying to sheetrock it without any prior sheetrocking experience! We quickly got over it and were laughing at ourselves in no time.... I have to say that Ryan is pretty amazing...he is willing to try just about any project himself which saves us a ton of money on all of our house work!
Ryan, the girls, and I were able to take a break and head out to the new Pirates movie....we splurged on the 3D tickets and were very impressed! It wasn't like a "pop out at you" 3D...but a very realistic 3D, many parts felt like we could reach out and touch whatever was on the screen because it was so real! We also enjoyed our 3D glasses!
Of course these are grainy pics from Ryan's phone in the dark....but nothing like goofy glasses! We may or may not have kept the glasses (just in case, you never know when you will need 3D glasses!).
Hopefully I get better at bloggin! I've been awful lately!! I don't know how I've gotten so busy...besides the fact that Ryan is out of town now full time, and it's exhausting to be a single momma again!
Here's to hoping we can get the house done and listed and sold so we can move to a place where Ryan can work NORMAL hours!! He LOVES what he does, so it doesn't make sense for him to change careers...just find somewhat normal hours, where he can be at home every night...that's the goal!
Off to do the treadmill and read for a bit before bed!
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