I took off a bit early from work yesterday and we went to visit Ryan's grandma and grandpa over near Hinckley. The girls have been asking to go visit them and we've been trying to find a good time and yesterday seemed to work...
It was a bit drizzly, but we had a wonderful time visiting. We talked about what we've been doing, and our possible future plans. It was so nice to see them and chat... it's always good to have time alone to visit with family. The girls even got to drive grandpa's tractor! Well, actually Brooke ran along side with grandpa...but they enjoyed themselves!
"wait for meeee!!!" |
We enjoyed a nice dinner and some wonderful cake and didn't end up leaving until after 8! It was so nice!
This morning, (after I slept in), we had a list of things to cross off of our list...one of which was egg dyeing...the girls have been eyeing up the package all week! We tossed some eggs in to boil (I cracked one, which meant I had to take another one out so that there would be an even number....those who have kids understand...no child can have more eggs than the other!!), and whipped up the colored mixture...
Naked Eggs... |
The girls were super-duper excited waiting for the eggs to boil...they could hardly wait!
Yaaaah! |
Whoop-whoop! |
Someone else was just as excited...
Smiley-Miley! |
Fill-em up! |
Who's excited? |
Purdy! |
Takes concentration! |
She's a pro now! |
"oooh ~ aaah" |
Please ignore that ugly shadow in the pic above with my elementary photo taking skills. I know I stink at pics...I keep saying I need to practice more...but I happen to be the best procrastinator in the world! So maybe tomorrow!
pretty in pink |
After egg dyeing and grocery shopping we were hungry! Ryan has been on the search for a "loco-moco" recipe. Loco Moco was something he had while we were in Hawaii. We had bought the ingredients while grocery shopping awhile ago. Loco Moco is a common Hawaiian meal, the first time I heard what it was it didn't sound the least bit appealing to me. But I did have a couple bites of Ryan's and it was pretty good! Definitely not something you would eat on a regular basis though...it's a pretty rich meal!
For our Loco Moco recreation we layered homemade fried rice mixed with brown rice, topped it with a fried egg, and hamburger patty, and drizzled homemade brown gravy over the top. The gravy was a mixture of beef broth, flour, and Worcestershire. It was pretty fabulous! I think I might have to up my running tomorrow now! :) Especially since we ended the meal with a brownie (shhh...don't judge!).
Tomorrow we are having my dad and brothers for lunch...should be a yummy meal...I have a few different recipes I'm trying....stuffed mushrooms, string beans, twice baked taters...mmmmm! Off to stuff some Easter baskets for some anxious girls!
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