Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I cannot believe that this weekend went sooo fast! How nice it was to have a 3 day weekend though....I totally needed it! We were able to get a couple things done on the house which felt great, despite the torrential downpours all weekend! We completely gutted, sheetrocked, painted, and put shelves and rods up in our closet, took care of the yard, and cleaned out the entry way and moved Miley and her new kennel in it. She loves it....she's got a ton of room now!

Best news is that Ryan and I only almost killed eachother one time...which is bound to happen when you have a 100 yr old crooked house and you are trying to sheetrock it without any prior sheetrocking experience! We quickly got over it and were laughing at ourselves in no time.... I have to say that Ryan is pretty amazing...he is willing to try just about any project himself which saves us a ton of money on all of our house work!

Ryan, the girls, and I were able to take a break and head out to the new Pirates movie....we splurged on the 3D tickets and were very impressed! It wasn't like a "pop out at you" 3D...but a very realistic 3D, many parts felt like we could reach out and touch whatever was on the screen because it was so real! We also enjoyed our 3D glasses!

Of course these are grainy pics from Ryan's phone in the dark....but nothing like goofy glasses! We may or may not have kept the glasses (just in case, you never know when you will need 3D glasses!).

Hopefully I get better at bloggin! I've been awful lately!! I don't know how I've gotten so busy...besides the fact that Ryan is out of town now full time, and it's exhausting to be a single momma again!

Here's to hoping we can get the house done and listed and sold so we can move to a place where Ryan can work NORMAL hours!! He LOVES what he does, so it doesn't make sense for him to change careers...just find somewhat normal hours, where he can be at home every night...that's the goal!

Off to do the treadmill and read for a bit before bed!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Need runner's advice....STAT!!

Heehee...so official right? So yeah...I'm a huge blogging slacker... And now Ryan went back to work up north so my days are whizzing by!! Blogging has to fit in there somehow, I'm just not sure where yet!! I'm having a hard enough time keeping running in there!

So back to my title...I need advice from all you runner pro's...I have been running on my treadmill, but anything over 20 minutes and I'm dying!! I think I'd be better outside with a view?? I think it's just the thought of the stationary running on a belted DREADmill! I like the treadmill for being able to set my incline up high and speed walk and feel the burn, but I'm thinking of beginning my running outside to really put in some miles...whatcha think? Is it normal for some people to really hate running on their treadmill? I really want to like running...so I'm hoping it's not that I just hate running! (Plus Ryan would totally kill me if I flaked out on something else, and our treadmill won't fit in our closet of "has beens") I also think my form would be better running outside, I feel like my form is horrible running on the treadmill...I feel stiff and compacted, which then gives me backaches and legaches...

Oh, what to do, what to do??? Where's my magic 8 ball?

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Hello, my name is Erinn and I am a procrastinator. I also have horrible time management skills, horrible grammar, and perhaps a little OCD mixed with ADD....

I look at my blog everyday and think of blogging...then I get side tracked, or put it off until later and later turns into tomorrow, or I plain-old just don't have time! Is there a class for said problems listed above? Maybe a little weekly workshop?


Okay. I'll work on that then.

I have managed to keep up on my running. I haven't missed a day. I'm on week 6. I ran 20 minutes straight yesterday and just about keeled over. I know, I know...I read about all the peeps that run 20 miles...blah, blah! I only hope to be like that someday, but I could barely run 1 minute before...so 20 is HUGE! Ryan has even joined the running train now. We are officially jr runners. Someday we will run miles together.

So back to the noted "diseases" listed in the first paragraph. Do you ever have so much to do but are so frustrated by the fact that you can't make it just perfect therefore you don't want to do it? That's how I feel with projects I want to complete around the house lately. I look at all these cute ideas around the "blog-land" for organizational projects or cutsie projects...however I get to the point that if I can't do it "just so" so then I don't want to start. Or I'll start it and get annoyed with the way it's turning out so I therefore cannot finish it. Do you think there's a magic pill for perfectionism problems? Just kidding, no pills...drink perhaps?

Okay, just writing that paragraph out gave me a bit of anxiety. I think I need to get over it though...because there's a ton of cute things I want to do out there! For now...off to bed. I so sleepy!



Okay. I'm off to bed now.