Thursday, April 18, 2013

Down 2

So, guess what. Back down 2 today. Seriously. Almost 3 weeks of up 2, down 2. Let's hope this is the time it will CONTINUE to move down!

Last night was a bit of a rough one.

About a week ago, Brooklyn came down with a bad cough and sore throat. All week, she has been just not feeling well. Some moments of the day she is up and running around and playing, then next thing you know she's laying on the couch.

Yesterday, around lunch time, I got a call from the school nurse saying Brooke was developing a rash on her arms. After talking with Brooke and the nurse, we decided it didn't look suspicious and she'd rub some calamine lotion on it and send her back to class.

Fast forward to last night, we had her jump in the shower as her spots were spreading, just in case she had something on her that was irritating her skin. We have not been using any new soaps, lotions, detergent, etc. No new foods, nothing.

So Brooklyn jumps out of the shower and all of a sudden she has them on her face, legs, belly, they are EVERYWHERE. So we decided to take her to the ER. We hate the ER, it is slow, full of germs, can't stand it. However of course this happens when the clinic is closed, and the ER is our ONLY option, unless we want to try to tough it out.

So to the ER we go. After a strep test, and hours of waiting we are told she has tonsilitis and brochial infection. Rash is still unidentified.

We decided after very few hours of sleep, that Brooklyn was going to get a sick day. I think she earned it.

So now, fast forward to today. Her rash is WAY worse. Being the paranoid parent that I am, I made Ryan get her in to the normal clinic. I'm not sure if she developed an allergy, or if it's due to her sickness, but it leads to one worried momma and daddy!

Hopefully the doctor will know a little bit more. The PA last night said that her tonsils and glands are very swollen, which is probably due to her body trying to fight off the infection. She is on an antibiotic now, but the rash is what worries me, and the poor thing can't sleep at night because she coughs SO much.

So anyways, hopefully spring actually decides to come soon so we can get rid of all these germs!

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