Okay....so even though it has officially snowed once here in Minnesota, doesn't mean it's christmas, although many people think so...it always amazes me how people go from halloween right on over to christmas decorating! I suppose you don't really decorate for thanksgiving and in all reality it's probably a smart thing to do if you have a million-bajillion lights to put up on the eaves, however I absolutely
refuse to set up any decorations (even though brooklyn asks about every day how many sleeps til we can set up our tree), listen to christmas music, do any christmas shopping, or even LOOK at the christmas aisle in Tar-jay before Thanksgiving (I glance from a distance though, and it is pretty!)....however...we have been working with the girls on making their christmas lists...not so much to give us ideas, but other family members (grandmas, grandpas, jenni's, etc....). We have decided that we are not giving toys this year. (yeah, yeah...mean mom...I know!) The girls have plenty of toys...in fact, they have approximately 9,000 too many toys (I see some weeding out in our near future). We decided that we will get them one fun thing each, but otherwise we are going to get them "mini bedroom makeovers" complete with new sheets, quilts, curtains...that's what we will be doing over christmas this year! Turning their bedrooms into little princess palaces! I've had my eye on some cute bedding at Pottery Barn...but Ryan was quick to put me in my place...how perfect would this be!!!
Brooke Bedroom Collection |
Hannah Bedroom Collection |
I mean,
COME ON, they even have their names as the title of the bedding collection!! Wouldn't that be perfect?? But
NO, someone says $300 per bedding set is too much to spend....geez....some people, eh, I'll forgive him this time...and I suppose that I'll have to try to find some cute stuff at a cheaper place of a certain
SOMEONE'S approval...ahem... Okay...so I'm being a bit dramatic...and I really wouldn't spend that on their bedding either, I'm really perfectly happy shopping at Target, they actually have really cute little girls bedding (or Mr. Ryan, as you may know...there is now a Kohl's in Cambridge...that I may or may not have been to at least 3 times a week since they've opened, and I think they are starting to know us by name!!)....just sayin...we've got options in the bedding department since the all-to-obvious-and-perfect idea apparently has been nixed! So anywho! That's our idea for the girls this year...practical, yet something they can enjoy!

On a cuter note....here's the girls wish lists, made possible by the Walmart Toy Shoppe flyer (thanks Walmart). Some of these things I've never even heard of! We are really trying to enforce the whole "true meaning of christmas" in them....I tell ya! That's hard when you get this silly toy catalogs in the mail every other day and they get the gimmies!! Maybe we'll do some "make a wish" presents this year, I really want them to experience the true feeling of giving...and not just "give me". They are wonderful, sweet, sensitive girls and I know they would love that experience!
Okay! Nuff said about christmas...good gosh already! Now to get backpacks packed, girls scrubbed up, and pj'ed, pup and kitties fed, and give my honey a goodnight call so I can hit the hay and start all over in the morning!
Oh, did I mention I have this one thing on my christmas list? (the're kinda my weakness....)
Dear Santa....please...I could use one more!!! |