It's the small things sometimes that matter in your day! I've been in a rut lately. I know what I am doing is not what I want to do forever. What I'd really like to do is stay home, have a garden, do fun stuff all day....for some reason that just doesn't pay the bills. Bummer. I keep trying to talk Ryan into paying me stay home.... when the accountant in me crunches the numbers, I realize that won't pay the bills either...ugh. Oh well.
I applied and got accepted to U of M, I even got a little scholarship! Woo! This will be in addition to my work (cuz again...schooling doesn't pay the bills either! Boo!) I've been wanting to finish up my degree the past couple I will be working towards two!
Back to the most of my readers (all 3 of them, 1 being my stud man hubby) know said 'stud man hubby' is out of town all week for most of the year for work. It's been this way for years, since Brooke was a baby. We've been brainstorming ways to end this 'out of town' nonsense...but for now, it's how we pay our bills....and buy our toys. By this time in the year though, you better believe I'm getting burnt out! Burnt out of being alone and in charge of EVERYTHING! But it's these little things that get me through my day...
This is a pic Ryan sent me, just to say Hi!....
This one he was complaining about the John Deere peice of junk he has to run...he's a Caterpillar man through and through...
I love him, he's so darn cute. My hope is someday he can have a job doing this job (because he loves it, and how many people can say that!?) close to home so he can be with us every night! I love these pics because it gives me a view into his world. I don't get to see what he sees everyday, so it's fun to see what he's up to!
We've been trying to cram things into our weekends lately, we're trying to soak up all this wonderful fall weather! I'll be back to share some pictures of what we've been up to....I promise.
I'm excited for you! It's going to be a new challenge for you and im sure your going to do great at it. I'm hoping to go get a degree in something once I grow up and figure it out! If ryan wants to play with his CAT he can come clean off my driveway this winter. :)