Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summers end girls day!

Yesterday I took a vacation day. It was great. Ryan, of course, is out of town and has to work today as well. (He's going on 70 hours this week so far!) So I decided I'd take the girls school clothes shopping while he was working (that way he wouldn't have to spend his one day off running around from store to store with a bunch of girls). See how nice I am?

So we got up, got ready, and headed out to Riverdale. Hannah spotted a Justice there last weekend and just knew that was where she wanted to go shopping. School clothes shopping gets a lot more difficult when you have two girls with their own individual styles.

We shopped til we dropped (around 3pm for lunch) and then headed to do our grocery shopping and get that done while we were out.

Then we came home and tried on all the clothes in outfits...according to order they will be worn. Please someone just slow the aging of my children down! They are just such little adults now!

Today I am supposed to be sanding the stairs. So far I've managed to bring the sander in. Baby steps. I'm hoping to get a few things off of our "to do" list so that Ryan and I can have next weekend completely free! Woo-hoo!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, you're off the hook for not being at the WFC if you went shopping yesterday. :) Sounds like a fun day!
