Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Shutdown time!

So in 2 days Ryan and I will know if we are done working for awhile....I shouldn't have any excuse of not blogging then right? Or wrapping up our house projects?

It's bizarre that this shutdown would affect Ryan and my jobs as we do completely opposite things and Ryan doesn't even work for the state but the private sector!

In other news...Hannah and Brooklyn have both turned another year older....Why does this keep happening? I swear years are getting shorter!! Hannah is in a artsy mood and has been coloring up a storm lately.... Brooklyn is just Brooklyn....she's just a firecracker! She is a class clown just like her dad...she keeps me quite entertained! Here's a recent conversation Brooke and I had:

Brooklyn: {while watching Jurassic Park} Are dinosaurs dead?

Me: Yes they are.

B: Did they die when I was born?

Me: They have been dead for thousands and thousands of years....way before you were born.

B: Oh, so they died when you were born?

This kid is hilarious!

Hannah on the other hand asked me recently if "darnit" was a bad word and if she could say it. I had to giggle, but told her it was not a bad word...but not a polite word and she could probably think of a better word to use.

I tell ya...kids are never ending balls of excitement!

Speaking of excitement. I came home today after work to the girls sitting in the yard and the sprinkler running (no one in it of course). When I ask my sister how long it's been running, she begins to count the hours....no a good sign. Of course she's always lived in the country so water is a never ending "free" thing to her. To me...well let's just say I'm not looking forward to the water bill this month.

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