That's what I feel like lately! Ever since the new year we have been run, run, run! First getting ready for our vacation (busy, busy) since we are back from our vacation it seems as though we are trying to get back in our regular routine. Plus all the "catch up" stuff. At work my life is a mess right now! I have work piled to the ceilings, I've decided that going on vacation is a punishment to myself as far as work goes! Oh, and we have a new boss now who apparently decided we cannot work 4 10-hr days anymore...back to 5 days a week, down with office morale!
On a good note our vacation was wonderful!! We started off with some plane "malfunctions", while leaving MSP on our way to Chicago, Ryan and I decided it would be fun to listen to the pilot channel on the radio....We both pulled out our headphones and tuned in, as we are sitting tarmack for an unusual amount of time all of a sudden we hear over the radio our pilot call to the controllers that he's going to head back due to maintenance issues (this was the end of my listening the radio). Shortly after that the pilot came over the loud speaker to announce our plane had a hard start and they wanted to bring it back to have the mechanics take a look before we were in the air....great! So we sat there for way too long, Ryan and I impatiently watched our watches as we had our Honolulu plane in Chicago to catch....
finally we were able to take off (after his announcement that the engine
should be fine)...when we landed in Chicago we looked at the screen right away to find out where our gate was...all the way across the airport of course, and our plane was boarding! We ran the whole way (originally we were suppose to have all this time to get a sandwich, go potty, take our time!) But no...we were just like Home Alone! So we ended up having to buy an airplane sandwich....we split it a $9 piece of turkey between 2 pcs of wheat bread... but we made it at least, and we arrived in Honolulu and it was beautiful! 80 and beautiful!!
We had heard the weather the week before was unusually rainy, so we were a little bit skeptical...but we honestly had about 3 sprinkles the whole time, it was perfect!
Snorkeling (seeing a sea turtle!)
Luau (food and hula dancing, and boys in tiny towels)
Weather, Smells, Sandals!!
I'm tan (it may only be for another week, but hey, I'll take it!)
Chocolate Hurricane...worth the trip!
Lava Flow...yum!
About the tan thing...I'm actually brainstorming ways to keep my tan. It makes me feel so summery!! The beach was awesome! I've never swam in the ocean before...I was shocked how salty the water really is, and how you really just float, I mean I cannot swim at all...but I was all over that ocean (at least the waikiki beach part...)
I promise I will post some more pics...but here are a few at least!
Here fishy, fishy, fishy.... |
The sunset from our balcony.....wonderful! |
Ryan and I at the USS Missouri Battleship |
Can we go back now!? Please? It makes me so excited for our next vacation! I want to start planning it now! I better get caught up from this one first though...